Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happenings over the last month

As if you couldn't guess from the lack of postings, things around here have been busy. I'll do my best to get you up to date without writing a full-length novel.

Christmas was a magical time and we had a wonderful holiday. We celebrated with all of our usual traditions - baking and decorating cookies for Santa; leaving cookies, milk, carrots, and water on the coffee table for Santa and his reindeer; sprinkling potions on the lawn to attract the reindeer to our house; tracking Santa's progress on Norad; the list went on and on ... and on. It's such a great time of year to celebrate together after Dan has worked so hard for months on end helping Santa get presents to all the good boys and girls.

The kids had an incredible Christmas morning and got everything that they hoped for ... and then some. It brings such joy to their faces ... and our hearts. All the new gifts kept the kids busy and playing happily ... for a few weeks anyways.

Even Motor got in on the action.  Dan couldn't get the tags off of his toys fast enough!

This New Year's Eve, we ventured out with the kids to a family friendly party. This was the second straight year in a row that the kids stayed up until midnight to ring in the new year. The hosts provided confetti and encouraged everyone to throw it at the stroke of midnight. You can imagine how much the kids loved it! Dan kept laughing at me and reminding me how I would never allow such a thing in our house. He is right! Jackie truly is the hostest with the mostest ... FUN!!!

Just this past week, Dan gave me the best gift ever - the gift of "me time". He took a few days off from work to watch the kids while I travelled back to Lexington to see the girls. The weekend was a comedy of errors right from the start but I was reminded that it doesn't matter what you do with true friends, you always enjoy their company.

We are confident that you all had incredible holidays and are getting back into the swing of things as well. Here's to an awesome 2009!

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